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#01: Baiting the Hook

Whenever we stare at that first blank page of a new manuscript, we ask ourselves a question, What opening scene would make me interested in reading the book? No, this isn’t rhetorical. It’s a genuine question. For us, a great opening scene is a combination of three things: ·         A short, choppy first sentence to […]

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#08: The Golden Outline

It’s a lot like the Golden Rule—whoever has the gold makes the rules. Whoever has the outline writes the story. As you have probably realized, the outline is the last step in the, ahem, outlining process. Before we begin writing the outline, there are a few questions that we want to ask ourselves to ensure

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#05: Spoiling the Story

Everybody dies! Well, not all of them. #thanksmarkruffalo But yes, this is the part of the outlining process where you spoil the story by writing out the beginning and ending scenes. Keep in mind that these scenes do not have to be full chapters. Really, they could be only half-a-page long, provided that the scene

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#07: The Sidekicks

Well, not everybody can be Batman, but everybody does need a Robin. Even Joker has his own Robin, but that’s a far darker storyline. With the summary complete, we now have a better understanding of who the supporting cast is supposed to be. In the case of Into the Dark, we want to create eight

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#03: Build-A-Blurb

Please don’t sue us Build-A-Bear… Blurbs—that is, back-cover description of a book—are an essential tool in a writer’s arsenal because it allows us to gauge interest in a story. Starting with a blurb before writing allows you to make sure that your idea is worth pursuing. If it isn’t, well, don’t delete it. Instead, put

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#02: The Idea Machine

It’s you. You’re the idea machine. Step one? Create an idea. Step two? Well, there is no step two. Okay, okay. Fine. Let’s break it down a little more, shall we? Ideation is the first step in outlining, writing, and publishing. In a way, it is what sets writers apart from machines. But how do

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#02: Apostrophe’s Role in Ruining Relationships

Like the IRS (or even your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend), apostrophes are possessive. Everything is theirs. Michael Scott’s paper. Dwight’s beets. Jim’s pranks. Pam’s art. Stanley’s diabetes. So, this all seems pretty straightforward. Rule of thumb: use ‘s for singular case and s’ for plural case, right? Nope. If it was, why would apostrophes be style? Plural forms of

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