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#10: The Miranda Style of Punctuation

Patent pending… Here is a quick summary of the Miranda Style: ·         Apostrophes: Always use ’s with singular possessive cases (i.e., Elvis’s song). ·         Colons: Use colons to introduce written texts, lists, and for multiple simultaneous conversations. ·         Commas: Minimal commas. Always use Oxford commas. ·         Dashes: Use em dashes for emphasis, interruptions, nonessential information, […]

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Drowned Sea Preview

A shark with sails crept across the whitecaps, hunting its prey. The two-masted brig’s hull cut the obsidian sea like a blade through skin. From the mainmast flew its dorsal fin: a turquoise flag embroidered with the crossing white cutlasses of the Avowed—loyalist pirates sworn to obey their king and the Cutthroat Code. Not that

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