#06: Easy, Breezy, Summary

Easy, Breezy, Summary

You remember the summaries that you hated writing for your language teachers? Well, guess what? We’re doing them.

If only to avoid later confusion, let us quickly define two words who have extremely similar meanings. A summary is a brief explanation for a larger body of work (i.e., book, movie, etc.). A synopsis is a brief explanation for a larger body of work (i.e., book, movie, etc.) that is asked for by a literary agent or publisher. Why do we make this distinction? While we aren’t entirely certain, we assume it’s because nerds like ridiculous words. We purposefully use the word summary throughout the this and other articles because we have a secondary rule for both words. A summary is written before the book is written. A synopsis is written after the book is written. Essentially, the summary you will be creating right now will be changed and amended after your book is written, and thus, made into the synopsis that you will give to literary agents and publishers.

In all seriousness, your summary is a surface-level look at what you want your story to be. It doesn’t answer all the questions—and shouldn’t. Remember our river metaphor from the article entitled, Spoiling the Story? Well, if the beginning and ending scenes are the shores of the river, then the summary is what we’ll use to find our stepping stones to cross said river. What do we mean? Well, the summary is a great guide to define the major plot points of the story. For a summary, we’ll want 5 major plot points to get from the beginning scene to the end. However, to brainstorm these ideas, we’ll generate 10-15 ideas, and then we’ll cut, combine, and expand on the good ones. To help us come up with ideas, the first bullet point is the beginning scene. The last bullet point is the ending scene. Everything else in the middle is just a thought—despite being a stepping stones, these are not set in stone… God, we love puns.

·         Beginning: Kraig Jones hunts and kills a deer to feed his wife and daughter after a lengthy ordeal in the woods.

·         Kraig sees the huge bonfire in the distance—extremely bright—which has been burning since the sun first disappeared. He wants to investigate.

·         Kraig gets caught by cultists—meets other potential sacrifices.

·         Kraig witnesses a sacrifice, which is terrifying—also sees that Evander has magic powers.

·         Evander is angry after the sacrifice because nothing changes. Apparently, the sacrifice wasn’t good enough to satiate the creature he summoned.

·         Asher betrays the cult and helps Kraig escape but entrance is blocked and windows are sealed off. They plan to escape down through the hotel.

·         Asher and Kraig get lost in the hotel—cultists look for them and fight them

·         Asher and Kraig fight to survive (Asher freezes up and doesn’t help Kraig to fight)—Kraig gets mad and Asher crumbles

·         Convinced Asher will get him killed, Kraig abandons him and searches for a way out. But without Asher, he keeps getting lost in the confusing corridors

·         Evander tries to sacrifice Kraig and Asher to the monster but they escape.

·         Kraig fights the magic-fueled Evander and is saved by Asher

·         Both realize that they’ll still lose if they can’t get the sun back.

·         Monster makes deal with Kraig to get the sun back?? OR Kraig summons the monster, controls it, and demands the sun back?? OR Asher sacrifices himself? “The lost need a light to find a way back.”

·         Kraig burns down the hotel.

·         Ending: With the hotel burning behind him, Kraig stumbles out of the hotel to see the sunlight and returns home to his wife and daughter.

So, these are our initial thoughts for the story. Now, how do we whittle this down and even expand on these points? Quite frankly, we take the ones that sound coolest to us and fit the story best.

·         Beginning: Kraig Jones hunts and kills a deer to feed his wife and daughter after a lengthy ordeal in the woods.

·         Plot Point 1: Having run out of food for his family, Kraig is drawn to investigate a huge bonfire in the distance which has been burning since the sun first disappeared. Kraig finds a luxurious hotel with a giant fire out front. Several people are standing outside, waiting to get in, but are instead snatched by masked cultists in black robes. Rather than fight, Kraig tries to run away only to be knocked unconscious by a cultist with a owl mask.

·         Plot Point 2: Kraig awakes in a small hotel room devoid of furniture only to find that it is a prison. After hearing the stories of other prisoners, Kraig tries to escape and fails. Multiple times. Evander enters. The leader of the cultist selects one of the prisoners to be sacrificed and leaves.

·         Plot Point 3: Kraig convinces Asher—who is guarding Kraig’s door from the opposite side, as this hotel room is locked from the outside—to release him and the other would-be sacrifices. Asher does and Kraig decks him. The survivors escape and try to run away as a group but cultists come to find them. Kraig hides in a room on the top floor and accidentally witnesses a sacrifice. Shockingly, Asher saves Kraig and pretends to subdue him.

·         Plot Point 4: Kraig and Asher devise a plan to get the demon-summoning book and necklace from Evander, who lives in the penthouse apartment. He does steal it but has to fight cultists on the way back down toward the summoning circle.

·         Plot Point 5: Kraig finally makes it back to the basement and starts summoning the demon to make a deal with it. Evander tries to kill him but Asher helps this time. Evander throws Asher into the summoning circle and becomes the next sacrifice. This time, the demon is satisfied with the sacrifice. Evander and Kraig battle for control of the sun in a weird demon realm. Kraig wins, sacrifices the entire cult, and burns down the hotel after releasing the prisoners.

·         Ending: With the hotel burning behind him, Kraig stumbles out of the hotel to see the sunlight and returns home to his wife and daughter.

Now we feel ready to write our summary. Frankly, it’s going to be a paraphrased version of what we have written above. However, we need to keep in mind the 1% rule: the summary should be 1% of the story. So, I expect this story to be 80k words, so I’ll assume that the summary should approximately be 800 words. Why do we use this rule? Because, the summary is only supposed to detail the main story line and little else. The detailed outline will be far more in depth.

Kraig Jones hunts and kills a deer to feed his wife and daughter after a lengthy ordeal in the woods. Having run out of food for his family, Kraig is drawn to investigate a huge bonfire in the distance which has been burning since the sun first disappeared. Because the bonfire has to be tended to, Kraig is certain that there are people there—people that he can hopefully raid. He treks through the wilderness for almost twenty-five miles to find this place, because the roads are covered in abandoned cars. Though Kraig expects to find a couple of people tending to the fire, he instead finds an elaborate hotel with a gigantic bonfire, around which a crowd of people had gathered. Then, masked cultists in black robes begin opening fire into the crowd, which panics and tries to bolt. However, these people are quickly found and subdued or killed by the cultists. Kraig tries to sneak away only to be knocked unconscious by a cultist with an owl mask. Kraig wakes up to find that he has been stripped of his clothes and is wearing white robes, which clearly distinguishing himself against the black robed cultists. He is horrified to learn that he is in a small hotel room devoid of furniture, and the door is locked. While there are other white-robed captives with him, Kraig understands that this is a prison. Panicking, Kraig tries to kick the door down only to be calmed down by one of the other prisoners in the room with him. After hearing the stories of other prisoners, Kraig decides to escape through the window only to realize that he is ten stories up. Still, he tries to jump down to the lower level and almost dies. One of the survivors helps, Kraig back into the room just before Evander enters. The leader of the cultist selects one of the prisoners—the one who just saved Kraig’s life—and leaves. This happens multiple times throughout the course of the first day until only five of the original dozen survivors are left in this cage. Kraig convinces Asher—who is guarding Kraig’s door from the opposite side, as this hotel room is locked from the outside—to release him and the other would-be sacrifices. Asher does and Kraig decks him. The survivors escape and try to run away as a group but cultists come to fight them. After escaping from the cultists, Kraig hides in a room on the top floor. However, he is not alone. Instead, he witnesses a sacrifice. He sees a hand rise from the ground—just as he saw on the day the sun disappeared—and grab the sacrifice before crushing it. Both the hand and the corpse disappear into the ground. Seeing no changes, Evander becomes enraged and Kraig learns that Evander is trying to get the sun back (he thought that he would be given the power of the sun—not that the demon would take the sun). Evander has very limited magic powers and is a warlock—he calls upon the demon for more power. Kraig again tries to flee, but is cornered by cultists. Shockingly, Asher saves his life and pretends to subdue him. Though Kraig wants to leave, he now knows that these people had something to do with the loss of the sun. Asher finally admits what he knows—which is limited—regarding Evander’s powers, the demon, and how it all happened in the first place. Less for humanity and more to help his wife and daughter survive, Kraig abandons the plan to leave and instead wants to bring down Evander. So does Asher, because he thought that the demon stuff was a step too far. So, Kraig and Asher devise a plan to get the demon-summoning book and necklace from Evander, who lives in the penthouse apartment. Asher distracts Evander and Kraig knocks him down, stealing both the pendant and the book. They then have to fight cultists on the way back down toward the summoning circle. Asher freezes up and doesn’t help Kraig to fight. Kraig is angry, especially when he has to fight the owl-masked cultist, who is a giant man. Kraig beats him when Asher finally comes to his aid. Kraig and Asher return to the summoning room and begin summoning the demon to make a deal with it. Evander tries to kill him, but Asher helps this time. Evander throws Asher into the summoning circle and becomes the next sacrifice. This time, the demon is satisfied with the sacrifice. Evander and Kraig battle for control of the sun in a weird demon realm. Kraig wins. Releasing the sun back into the sky, Kraig sacrifices the entire cult, releases the prisoners, and burns down the hotel. With the hotel burning behind him, Kraig stumbles out of the hotel to see the sunlight and returns home to his wife and daughter.

You might notice that the summary doesn’t exactly line up at 800 words. It’s 819 words. But you know what? It’s close enough. Frankly, when we’re writing a summary, we give myself a range of 200 words. So, if we wanted 800 words, we’ll be happy with anything between 700 and 900 words. From that perspective, we are well within tolerance.

Remember: the key to summaries, as it is with most things in life, is to break the task down into more manageable pieces. As is the case with the next task: side characters.