#08: The Golden Outline

It’s a lot like the Golden Rule—whoever has the gold makes the rules. Whoever has the outline writes the story.

As you have probably realized, the outline is the last step in the, ahem, outlining process. Before we begin writing the outline, there are a few questions that we want to ask ourselves to ensure that we know our marketing metrics before we begin writing:

·         What is the target word count?

·         What is the target chapter count?

·         What is the target word-per-chapter count?

To answer the first question, we plan on Into the Dark being an 80k-word manuscript. Why are we choosing 80k words? Well, 70k-90k is the industry-standard range for thrillers, so 80k is a good middle ground. But a better question is, why does the word count matter? Because, the length of the manuscript affects the price for editing and the cost to physically print the book. Smaller books are cheaper to produce. Aside from cost, we want to know that the book is 80k words before we start writing because we want be able to estimate the number of chapters that will be written, and how many words will be in each chapter. For Into the Dark, we want fast chapters, so we think that ten pages per chapter is a good amount. At 300 words per page, ten pages is approximately 3k words (dependent on the size of the title heading, number of paragraphs and scene breaks). Thus, we will have approximately 27 chapters. Obviously, the math here isn’t exact. 27 chapters of 3k words each would technically be 81k, but frankly, the outline is just an estimate. Do we really expect each chapter to be exactly 3k words? Absolutely not. Nor do we expect 300 words to be on each page. However, using 3k-word chapters as our guide really allows me to stay on track while writing.

But again, why does this matter right now? Good question. It matters because we outline based on the 10% rule. Whatever the word count of the final manuscript is supposed to be, the outline is 10% of it. So, if Into the Dark is 80k words, we expect our outline to be 8k words. By extension, each 3k chapter is going to be 300 words in our outline. Is 10% a hard-and-fast rule? Again, no. We use it because 10% is a good balance between outlining too little and too much. Depending on the project and collaborators, we actually may go as high as a 25% outline just to make sure that everybody is on the same page with where the story is headed.

So, before I start the outline, I can expect to write 27 chapters at 300 words each, and I will set up my outline as shown below:

Chapter One

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet… (300 words)

Chapter Two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet… (300 words)

Chapter Twenty-Six

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet… (300 words)

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet… (300 words)

As before, you may be asking yourself where to begin. After all, you really are just looking at a blank sheet of paper at this point. Don’t panic. We’ve already created several trusty tools to help us with outlining. We have our beginning and ending scenes, our characters, and our summary. To begin, you essentially are going to copy and paste summary information into each chapter where it belongs.

Referring back to our summary from Easy, Breezy, Summary:

Kraig Jones hunts and kills a deer to feed his wife and daughter after a lengthy ordeal in the woods. Having run out of food for his family, Kraig is drawn to investigate a huge bonfire in the distance which has been burning since the sun first disappeared. Because the bonfire has to be tended to, Kraig is certain that there are people there—people that he can hopefully raid. He treks through the wilderness for almost twenty-five miles to find this place, because the roads are covered in abandoned cars. Though Kraig expects to find a couple of people tending to the fire, he instead finds an elaborate hotel with a gigantic bonfire, around which a crowd of people had gathered. Then, masked cultists in black robes begin opening fire into the crowd, which panics and tries to bolt. However, these people are quickly found and subdued or killed by the cultists. Kraig tries to sneak away only to be knocked unconscious by a cultist with an owl mask. Kraig wakes up to find that he has been stripped of his clothes and is wearing white robes, which clearly distinguishing himself against the black robed cultists. He is horrified to learn that he is in a small hotel room devoid of furniture, and the door is locked. While there are other white-robed captives with him, Kraig understands that this is a prison. Panicking, Kraig tries to kick the door down only to be calmed down by one of the other prisoners in the room with him. After hearing the stories of other prisoners, Kraig decides to escape through the window only to realize that he is ten stories up. Still, he tries to jump down to the lower level and almost dies. One of the survivors helps, Kraig back into the room just before Evander enters. The leader of the cultist selects one of the prisoners—the one who just saved Kraig’s life—and leaves. This happens multiple times throughout the course of the first day until only five of the original dozen survivors are left in this cage. Kraig convinces Asher—who is guarding Kraig’s door from the opposite side, as this hotel room is locked from the outside—to release him and the other would-be sacrifices. Asher does and Kraig decks him. The survivors escape and try to run away as a group but cultists come to fight them. After escaping from the cultists, Kraig hides in a room on the top floor. However, he is not alone. Instead, he witnesses a sacrifice. He sees a hand rise from the ground—just as he saw on the day the sun disappeared—and grab the sacrifice before crushing it. Both the hand and the corpse disappear into the ground. Seeing no changes, Evander becomes enraged and Kraig learns that Evander is trying to get the sun back (he thought that he would be given the power of the sun—not that the demon would take the sun). Evander has very limited magic powers and is a warlock—he calls upon the demon for more power. Kraig again tries to flee, but is cornered by cultists. Shockingly, Asher saves his life and pretends to subdue him. Though Kraig wants to leave, he now knows that these people had something to do with the loss of the sun. Asher finally admits what he knows—which is limited—regarding Evander’s powers, the demon, and how it all happened in the first place. Less for humanity and more to help his wife and daughter survive, Kraig abandons the plan to leave and instead wants to bring down Evander. So does Asher, because he thought that the demon stuff was a step too far. So, Kraig and Asher devise a plan to get the demon-summoning book and necklace from Evander, who lives in the penthouse apartment. Asher distracts Evander and Kraig knocks him down, stealing both the pendant and the book. They then have to fight cultists on the way back down toward the summoning circle. Asher freezes up and doesn’t help Kraig to fight. Kraig is angry, especially when he has to fight the owl-masked cultist, who is a giant man. Kraig beats him when Asher finally comes to his aid. Kraig and Asher return to the summoning room and begin summoning the demon to make a deal with it. Evander tries to kill him, but Asher helps this time. Evander throws Asher into the summoning circle and becomes the next sacrifice. This time, the demon is satisfied with the sacrifice. Evander and Kraig battle for control of the sun in a weird demon realm. Kraig wins. Releasing the sun back into the sky, Kraig sacrifices the entire cult, releases the prisoners, and burns down the hotel. With the hotel burning behind him, Kraig stumbles out of the hotel to see the sunlight and returns home to his wife and daughter.

In outline format, this becomes:

Chapter One

Kraig Jones hunts and kills a deer to feed his wife and daughter after a lengthy ordeal in the woods.

Chapter Two

Having run out of food for his family, Kraig is drawn to investigate a huge bonfire in the distance which has been burning since the sun first disappeared. Because the bonfire has to be tended to, Kraig is certain that there are people there—people that he can hopefully raid. He treks through the wilderness for almost twenty-five miles to find this place, because the roads are covered in abandoned cars. Though Kraig expects to find a couple of people tending to the fire, he instead finds an elaborate hotel with a gigantic bonfire, around which a crowd of people had gathered. Then, masked cultists in black robes begin opening fire into the crowd, which panics and tries to bolt. However, these people are quickly found and subdued or killed by the cultists. Kraig tries to sneak away only to be knocked unconscious by a cultist with an owl mask.

Chapter Three

Kraig wakes up to find that he has been stripped of his clothes and is wearing white robes, which clearly distinguishing himself against the black robed cultists. He is horrified to learn that he is in a small hotel room devoid of furniture, and the door is locked. While there are other white-robed captives with him, Kraig understands that this is a prison. Panicking, Kraig tries to kick the door down only to be calmed down by one of the other prisoners in the room with him.

Chapter Four

After hearing the stories of other prisoners, Kraig decides to escape through the window only to realize that he is ten stories up. Still, he tries to jump down to the lower level and almost dies. One of the survivors helps, Kraig back into the room just before Evander enters. The leader of the cultist selects one of the prisoners—the one who just saved Kraig’s life—and leaves.

Chapter Five

This happens multiple times throughout the course of the first day until only five of the original dozen survivors are left in this cage.

Chapter Six

Kraig convinces Asher—who is guarding Kraig’s door from the opposite side, as this hotel room is locked from the outside—to release him and the other would-be sacrifices. Asher does and Kraig decks him. The survivors escape and try to run away as a group but cultists come to fight them. After escaping from the cultists, Kraig hides in a room on the top floor. However, he is not alone.

Chapter Seven

Instead, he witnesses a sacrifice. He sees a hand rise from the ground—just as he saw on the day the sun disappeared—and grab the sacrifice before crushing it. Both the hand and the corpse disappear into the ground. Seeing no changes, Evander becomes enraged and Kraig learns that Evander is trying to get the sun back (he thought that he would be given the power of the sun—not that the demon would take the sun). Evander has very limited magic powers and is a warlock—he calls upon the demon for more power. Kraig again tries to flee, but is cornered by cultist. Shockingly, Asher saves his life and pretends to subdue him.

Chapter Eight

Though Kraig wants to leave, he now knows that these people had something to do with the loss of the sun. Asher finally admits what he knows—which is limited—regarding Evander’s powers, the demon, and how it all happened in the first place.

Chapter Nine

Less for humanity and more to help his wife and daughter survive, Kraig abandons the plan to leave and instead wants to bring down Evander. So does Asher, because he thought that the demon stuff was a step too far. So, Kraig and Asher devise a plan to get the demon-summoning book and necklace from Evander, who lives in the penthouse apartment.

Chapter Ten

Asher distracts Evander and Kraig knocks him down, stealing both the pendant and the book.

Chapter Eleven

They then have to fight cultists on the way back down toward the summoning circle. Asher freezes up and doesn’t help Kraig to fight. Kraig is angry, especially when he has to fight the owl-masked cultist, who is a giant man. Kraig beats him when Asher finally comes to his aid.

Chapter Twelve

Kraig and Asher return to the summoning room and begin summoning the demon to make a deal with it. Evander tries to kill him, but Asher helps this time. Evander throws Asher into the summoning circle and becomes the next sacrifice. This time, the demon is satisfied with the sacrifice.

Chapter Thirteen

Evander and Kraig battle for control of the sun in a weird demon realm. Kraig wins.

Chapter Fourteen

Releasing the sun back into the sky, Kraig sacrifices the entire cult, releases the prisoners, and burns down the hotel.

Chapter Fifteen

With the hotel burning behind him, Kraig stumbles out of the hotel to see the sunlight and returns home to his wife and daughter.

Chapter Sixteen

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet… (300 words)

Chapter Twenty-Six

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet… (300 words)

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet… (300 words)

But we have a slight problem here, don’t we? Only fifteen of our chapters are filled and yet we want twenty-seven chapters. So, what do we do? We expand on the summary. Keep in mind the fact that having empty chapters at this point is expected. After all, if the summary could be perfectly split into the various chapters, then we’d have no need for an outline. So, we’re going to expand on the summary and add additional chapters as needed.

Chapter One

Kraig Jones hunts and kills a deer (snare trap) to feed his wife and daughter after a lengthy ordeal in the woods. He kills a wolf and a man, dragging all three back to the house. He wants to bury the guy, but wonders if they might need the extra meat. Scared by his own thoughts, Kraig hastily buries the body.

New: Chapter Two

Kraig Jones prepares dinner and eats with his family, enjoying time with them as they sit inside their dark house. When Kraig says that it is time to go to bed, his daughter argues, saying that bedtime doesn’t matter anymore with the sun gone. She’s right, but that’s exactly what concerns him. Kraig remembers when the sun disappeared, having seen a hand grab it and pull it away, though he never shared that with his wife or daughter because he still refused to believe what he saw.

New: Chapter Three

Robbers try to break into the house while Kraig is asleep, but Kraig manages to kill them, only to be confused when he finds them wearing strange black robes and animal masks. When he demands that he tell them where they came from, the cultist just says “The Sun” and point to the bluffs in the distance where Kraig can see a fire burning in the distance which almost looks like the rising sun, but far darker.

New: Chapter Four

Worried that more of these people might come after him and his family (as well as desperate to know what is happening), Kraig decides to investigate the light, which is almost twenty miles away on an isolated high cliff. His daughter tells him not to go, but Kraig says “I’m doing this for you.” Which is true, but his daughter is still upset. His wife understands but stays behind with his daughter to makes sure all is well. Secretly, Kraig tells his wife that “if the situation becomes dire, eat the wolf and the cultists…” Then he leaves.

New: Chapter Five

Kraig travels for two “days,” which isn’t easy because of the darkness. He travels near the roads, avoiding robbers and thieves. He even ignores several cries for help because he doesn’t know what’s a trap and what isn’t. Furthermore, he isn’t willing to put his life in jeopardy for anybody except his own family.

Chapter Six

Kraig arrives at the House of the Sun (i.e., the hotel in which the Cult of the Sun resides) to find that the source of light that he couldn’t identify was a raging bonfire. Because the bonfire has to be tended to, Kraig is certain that there are people there—people that he can hopefully raid. He treks through the wilderness for almost twenty-five miles to find this place, because the roads are covered in abandoned cars. Though Kraig expects to find a couple of people tending to the fire, he instead finds an elaborate hotel with a gigantic bonfire, around which a crowd of people had gathered. Then, masked cultists in black robes begin opening fire into the crowd, which panics and tries to bolt. However, these people are quickly found and subdued or killed by the cultists. Kraig tries to sneak away only to be knocked unconscious by a cultist with an owl mask.

New: Chapter Seven

Kraig dreams about being back at home with his family, with the sun shining overhead. Together, they do everything that they’d wanted to do. Have a picnic. Fish by the lake. Spend time together. Put Lucy to bed.

Chapter Eight

Kraig wakes up to find that he has been stripped of his clothes and is wearing white robes, which clearly distinguishing himself against the black robed cultists. He is horrified to learn that he is in a small hotel room devoid of furniture, and the door is locked. While there are other white-robed captives with him, Kraig understands that this is a prison. Panicking, Kraig tries to kick the door down only to be calmed down by one of the other prisoners in the room with him (sweet ol’ Loretta, the grandma).

Chapter Nine

After hearing the stories of other prisoners, Kraig decides to escape through the window only to realize that he is ten stories up. Still, he tries to jump down to the lower level and almost dies. One of the survivors helps, pulling Kraig back into the room.

New: Chapter Ten

Evander enters. The leader of the cultist selects one of the prisoners to be a sacrifice and leaves. Kraig doesn’t try to help the selected sacrifice, nor does anybody else. Instead, Kraig is just thankful that it wasn’t him who was taken (or Loretta).

New: Chapter Eleven

Kraig tries to escape again but fails. More sacrifices are taken. Kraig doesn’t help until Loretta is selected to be the sacrifice. Kraig tries to fight, but she tells him that everything going to be all right.

Chapter Twelve

Kraig convinces Asher—who is guarding Kraig’s door from the opposite side, as this hotel room is locked from the outside—to release him and the other would-be sacrifices. Asher does and Kraig decks him. The survivors escape and try to run away as a group but cultists come to fight them.

Chapter Thirteen

After escaping from the cultists, Kraig hides in a room on the top floor. However, he is not alone. Instead, he witnesses a sacrifice. He sees a hand rise from the ground—just as he saw on the day the sun disappeared—and grab the sacrifice before crushing it. Both the hand and the corpse disappear into the ground. Seeing no changes, Evander becomes enraged and Kraig learns that Evander is trying to get the sun back (he thought that he would be given the power of the sun—not that the demon would take the sun). Evander has very limited magic powers and is a warlock—he calls upon the demon for more power.

Chapter Fourteen

Being noticed at the sacrifice by the bunny-masked cultist, Kraig again tries to flee, but is cornered by cultists. Shockingly, Asher saves his life and pretends to subdue him. They escape and hide in a different hotel room. Then, they learn a lot more about each other.

Chapter Fifteen

Though Kraig wants to leave House of the Sun, he now knows that these people had something to do with the loss of the sun. Asher finally admits what he knows—which is limited—regarding Evander’s powers, the demon, and how it all happened in the first place.

New: Chapter Sixteen

Less for humanity and more to help his wife and daughter survive, Kraig abandons the plan to leave and instead wants to bring down Evander. So does Asher, because he thought that the demon stuff was a step too far. So, Kraig and Asher devise a plan to get the demon-summoning book and necklace from Evander, who lives in the penthouse apartment.

New: Chapter Seventeen

Asher and Kraig don cultist disguises and attack Evander. Kraig knocks Evander down, stealing the book. Asher tries to grab the pendant, but Evander uses magic and severely hurts Asher. Kraig and Asher escape, but without the pendant, they can’t open the book. However, Kraig thinks that, as a worst-case scenario, they can burn it. Even if they lose, Evander loses, too.

New: Chapter Eighteen

Evander sends cultists after Kraig and Asher, who are hiding on the various floors of the hotel as the cultists search every room. Kraig and Asher use their black robes to avoid detection. They try to open the book with any tool they can think of but they can’t break the lock. They can’t even cut through the leather cover to open it from the other side. It is completely unbreakable.

New: Chapter Nineteen

Furious with his cultists for failing to find Kraig and Asher, Evander summons monsters using his powers, which are strange, mutated creatures (more cosmic horror then gross zombies). They can find the book, and thus, find Kraig and Asher. Asher freezes up and doesn’t help Kraig to fight. Kraig is furious with him, and is going to leave Asher behind just as the owl-masked cultist steps into the room, knocking out Asher.

New: Chapter Twenty

On his own, Kraig tries to burn the book, which doesn’t work. Water doesn’t work, either. Neither does stabbing, tearing, ripping, etc. The book simply can’t be destroyed. Kraig takes a new strategy and stores the book in a hotel safe, making Evander think that Kraig is still hiding somewhere below. As the cultists and monsters are sent to deal with Kraig, Kraig tries to bluff his way into the penthouse, but cultists are no longer allowed to wear masks. Instead, he decides that he’ll wait for Evander in the summoning room (which is currently unguarded) only to run into Gerald, the owl-masked cultist, who is beating Asher to a pulp.

New: Chapter Twenty-One

Kraig and Gerald duke it out, and Kraig almost dies—only winning when Asher (who is hanging from the ceiling) kicks Gerald forward, who stumbles and falls onto Kraig’s knife. Kraig and Asher have a moment to reconcile before they decide to fight Evander again.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Evander enters the summoning room and is ambushed by Kraig and Asher. He survives because a cultist (Mavis) pushes Evander out of the way and gets stabbed by Asher. Evander gets angry and fights with Asher as Kraig tries to fights Jezebel the female cultist leader. Asher gets horribly beat up by Evander, Kraig kills Jezebel, and Evander has the other cultists hold Kraig (and handcuff him) as he prepares the next sacrifice: Asher.

Chapter Twenty-Three

The sacrifice happens again and Kraig is helpless to watch as the demon is summoned and Asher is taken. This time, the demon is satisfied with the sacrifice and will bestow the power of the sun to Evander. However, as Kraig knows that this will ruin the world further, he uses this moment of everybody’s confusion to run into Evander, knocking them both into the summoning circle where they are grabbed by the demon and hauled away.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Kraig awakens in a demon realm, which looks like a realm of eternal darkness, where life has spawned in ways akin to that found in caves and the deep sea. However, all of these horrid, wretched forms are brought to full life because the sun is now in this realm. Evander is totally freaking out—for good reason. The demon he summoned is a god of this realm and isn’t a singular being but a writhing mass of millions of creatures melded together in a semi-humanoid form. Both Loretta and Asher are melded to this creature. The sun is in its “head” and looks like a single eye. It tries to kill Kraig, but Kraig demands a competition to fight Evander for control of the sun. The creature asks what it would gain by Kraig winning—the lives of cultists and then the promise to be left alone. The creature agrees to let the winner have the sun despite all of Evander’s protests (probably because of them—Evander has been demanding power from this superior being, after all).

Chapter Twenty-Five

Evander and Kraig battle for control of the sun. Kraig wins. Evander is consumed. Kraig asks if he can have Asher and Loretta back, and the god offers to either give him the sun or his two friends. He asks the creature if Loretta and Asher were still alive, but the creature simply responds, “Would you really want to know?” Kraig shakes his head and chooses the sun (thinking of his family).

Chapter Twenty-Six

Kraig returns through the summoning circle and drags all of the cults back into the summoning circle, killing them. Kraig then destroys the book, but keeps the pendant. He then releases the prisoners and returns the sun to the sky. Doing so makes him feel older and weaker, which it does—the sun has consumed a part of himself. Yet, Kraig is still alive.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

With the hotel burning behind him, Kraig stumbles out of the hotel to see the sunrise and makes his way back home, which is far easier now with the sunlight. He walks along the roads with a couple guns but none bother him—everybody is simply too excited to see the sun again. Kraig returns home to his wife and daughter.

Now, obviously there are some kinks to be worked out with this outline, considering that none of these are 300 words. So, the plan is to further expand on each idea until we have a complete understanding of what we’ll be writing. For example:

Chapter One (303 words)

Kraig Jones hunts and kills a deer (using a snare trap) but gets lost in the dark woods because he has no light to guide his way. He does have the constellations in the sky, but he doesn’t know how to track them as he has always relied on knowing his surroundings, retracing his footsteps, and of course, having light to guide his path. Though using a flashlight (which can be seen for many miles in any direction) is not a good idea, Kraig has few other options. With the flashlight, he runs (still holding his game bag of deer meat) and manages to retrace his trail as wolves chase after him. As they surround him in the darkness, Kraig uses the flashlight to locate the wolves and shoot at them. One pounces on Kraig just as he shoots at it, managing to kill the giant beast as the rest of the wolves scamper away. Still alive, Kraig wriggles out from beneath the beast and harvests it (and keeps the light on just to see what he’s doing). Halfway through pulling out the organs, Kraig feels a bullet whiz by his head (missing him by inches and hitting the ground below). He turns off the flashlight and drags the wolf corpse toward a small distance away, trying to feel his way through the rest of the harvesting. As he is finishing, he hears somebody approaching in the woods. Wiping his hands free of blood, he ambushes the two hunters who tried to kill him. After a brief firefight and knife combat, Kraig kills the second man and stares at the bodies: brothers, by the looks of it. For a moment, Kraig considers harvesting them before becoming afraid of his own thoughts. Hastily, he abandons those bodies to the wolves and disappears into the night.

Chapter Two (323 words)

Kraig Jones walks through the darkness and finds his way home. He approaches the wood-and-stone house, knocking twice, pausing, then knocking a third time. Only then are the locks undone and the door opens revealing Kate Jones—Kraig’s husband. But, of course, all of the lights are still off (electricity doesn’t work), so they can’t really see each other. Kate wants to give Kraig a hug, but he’s still covered in blood that isn’t his. Getting inside, he wipes the blood off in the bathroom using candles and water warmed in the fireplace (gas stoves don’t work). Cleaning up, Kate asks what happened to him, but Kraig doesn’t want to scare her, so he says that he tripped while carrying the deer corpse. Kate knows better than this, but before she can prod, Lucy Jones shrieks and wraps dad in a big hug (while getting scolded not to scream). While talking with her daughter, Kraig and Kate preserve the meat with salt and smoke. They prepare dinner together, rice and beef, and eat the meal by candlelight (wherein, all the windows have been boarded up to keep out the cold and the light. They play games for an hour and then roast smores over the indoor fireplace, and though Lucy doesn’t complain, it’s obvious she wants to go outside. As Lucy becomes tired, Kraig tells her it’s time to go to bed. His daughter argues, saying that bedtime doesn’t matter anymore with the sun gone. She’s right, but that’s exactly what concerns him. Kraig remembers when the sun disappeared, having seen a hand grab it and pull it away, though he never shared that with his wife or daughter because he still refused to believe what he saw. Kraig takes Lucy to bed, reads her a story, and as he leaves, she asks, “Daddy, when will the sun come back?” Kraig says, “Soon, baby. Very soon.” But even he doesn’t believe the lie.

Chapter Twenty-Seven (284 words)

With the hotel burning behind him, Kraig stumbles out of the hotel to see the sunrise. He stands there, staring at the sun for a minute. He’s just in such awe that he keeps looking and can’t look away. When he eventually does, Kraig stares at the landscape around him, which is a horrible wasteland. Ice is everywhere, most of the trees are dead, and the world is a wasteland. And yet, in it, he sees many people outside staring at the sun and celebrating. In that, there is life anew. Instead of having to hide from people, everybody is excited. Quietly, Kraig makes his way back home, which is far easier now with the sunlight. He walks along the roads with a couple guns but none bother him—everybody is simply too excited to see the sun again. Kraig returns home to his wife and daughter. As he reaches his house, he uses the secret knock, and Kate opens the door, gasping because Kraig is hurt. However, she is distracted because she realizes only now that the sun has returned (because all the windows are still covered). “It’s beautiful,” she whispers. To which, Kraig responds, “Yes, you are.” Lucy comes running toward the door, and Kraig picks her up, and all three take a walk outside, fishing by the lake, and roasting smores by the campfire (a real one outside). As Lucy falls asleep, Kate asks Kraig what happened, but Kraig says that he just wandered around for a while. When Kate demands that he be serious, Kraig touches the pendant on his neck and says, “All that matters is that it’s over.” And in the darkness, his eyes glow like the sun.

As you can see even the “science” to writing a good outline isn’t “science.” It’s an estimate. Your chapters won’t be exactly 300 words, and frankly, they shouldn’t. Like all prep tools, an outline is a guide. Don’t be afraid to change the story organically as you write it. The good news is, with your outline completed and your story flushed out, you’re ready to start writing your manuscript. Come to think of it, you’ve already started—you’re 10% done. Now all you have to do is finish the other 90%.